Successful endodontic therapy demands a clean and clear root canal system. SmearClear addresses this issue by consistently removing the smear layer and leaving the dentinal tubules clear of organic matter. When using the SmearClear root canal cleaning solution, the practitioner will recognize an increase in the efficacy of adhesives, as well as an assist in the 3-dimensional obturation of the root canal system.
Refills available in the following options:
Liquid: 110 ml
Syringe and Needle: 3 syringes and 30 side-vented needles.
Refills available in the following options:
Liquid: 110 ml
Syringe and Needle: 3 syringes and 30 side-vented needles.
Successful endodontic therapy demands a clean and clear root canal system. SmearClear addresses this issue by consistently removing the smear layer and leaving the dentinal tubules clear of organic matter. When using the SmearClear root canal cleaning solution, the practitioner will recognize an increase in the efficacy of adhesives, as well as an assist in the 3-dimensional obturation of the root canal system.
Refills available in the following options:
Liquid: 110 ml
Syringe and Needle: 3 syringes and 30 side-vented needles.
Refills available in the following options:
Liquid: 110 ml
Syringe and Needle: 3 syringes and 30 side-vented needles.
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